Privacy Principles

Digital realm: Why Internet Users Believe in Beeble

How not to remain nomadic Scythians and make your digital environment safe
Pavel Svetjolkin
Pavel Svetjolkin
Beeble Team member
March 20, 2024
Beeble is where you can switch from Skiff

Honey, take out the trash!

In one of the first posts on our blog, dedicated to online privacy, cyber security and digital hygiene, we went into detail about what a digital footprint is and how and why it should be dealt with.

I prefer the definition of “digital trash”. I will never become a writer because of laziness, however I do have a few plots in store. One of them is a secret agent disguised as a hobo, but checking the trash left by the residents of a neighborhood he’s interested in. You can learn almost everything about a person from the garbage — their preferences in food and clothing, marital status, number of children, sexual orientation, political views, etc., etc., etc.

The same thing is happening in the digital environment. We litter a lot and don’t clean up after ourselves. I was recently talking to an interesting person, a cybersecurity expert. He is sure that we have been trained to be so careless on purpose.

After all, if we don’t protect our data, almost anything can be found out about us on the global web. The groups that run the world (smell conspiracy theories?), through paid market research and data collection, have an accurate “map of the world of people” and know exactly how to control them with their passions, fears, and desires, and what decisions to make.

There has been no war for a long time — please! Revolution in a particular country, economic crisis, famine, ecological cataclysms? — No problem. And you say something about free will, choice, words…

But there are much simpler threats. In the network, like bedbugs in an old mattress, millions of parasitic intruders are trying to make money on you by extracting your personal data, account, and bank card numbers, and all kinds of logins and passwords. Dirty blackmailers who got hold of your topless photo (remember your vacation three years ago?) and are now blackmailing you.

Don’t agree to remain sheeple?

Should you just put your hands down and leave it at that? — For those who don’t want to remain silent sheep being sheared from all sides — perhaps the most secure platform to date and for the foreseeable future is Beeble — a secure end-to-end encrypted email and cloud storage platform!

Not many services are positioned as providers of truly secure storage and sharing solutions. Among them we can mention Tuta, Proton, and for a short time Skiff.

Benefits of Beeble

Benefits of Beeble

You know what we don’t know

End-to-end encryption. Neither the developers nor the Beeble administration, much less any third party, can decrypt our users' passwords, and transmitted and stored data.

Keep it simple

Simplicity. If you knew how complex cryptography processes are unnoticeable on the client’s device. A huge plus — our client doesn’t need to install anything. No mines with barbed wire, no special programs. Everything works automatically in the browser and on any device.

Everything is securely encrypted

Not only email but also cloud storage works on the principle of end-to-end encryption. Accordingly, all files of any size uploaded by the user get to us in encrypted form. No one but the user can decrypt them.
Please note that Tuta does not have cloud storage solution.

Email and Storage are unified

Beeble has developed email and file storage as a single application, and the user can transfer information between them. This is quite unique point of Beeble that provides a seamless user experience.

We are compatible with the “regular world”

Beeble is compatible with traditional email services such as Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail and others. Moreover, you can ensure secure correspondence even with people who are not yet Beeble users.

Thanks to PGP encryption it allows us to be compatible with other services that use PGP and the principle of public and private keys which is not available for Tuta.

Don’t put all the eggs in one basket!

Finally, we are not tied to a single data center. Our system is distributed and duplicated between servers in three countries and even if two of the three fail — we continue to operate fully. It protects your data in case of man-made disasters, political cataclysms, or malicious attacks.

And no trash

This is important too — Beeble Mail is free of banner ads, pop-ups visual clutter, and spam, making it easy to use, and most importantly it protects you from phishing attempts and malicious links clogging up your mail.

All nomads are welcome

The Notion, an application that offers workflow solutions, recently announced the purchase of the Skiff email service. We wish both companies success. We emphasize this acquisition because all users of Skiff service should migrate their data until August 9.

Thus, Skiff clients (as the name is often symbolic) become nomads. But don’t be discouraged — you will not be left homeless! Beeble will not leave you “on the street” and is ready to provide the most secure e-mail and cloud storage services on attractive terms!

Keep an eye on our offers!

About Beeble

The team at Beeble is an international group of businessmen, enthusiasts, developers, and engineers, mostly from Latvia, concerned about today’s trends and issues in information security and privacy. Being united in the concern for the right to privacy in the digital age, we created a confidential and secure environment for communication, storage of any data, and automation of work processes. Beeble’s mission is to provide people with an alternative approach that embodies the paradigm of absolute privacy. All their information is their property and no one can access it without owner’s knowledge and permission.