Beeble was born in Latvia in 2018. In 2019 started taking the first steps. In 2022, started running.
Our actions have a rippling effect, with both proximal and distal impacts that can influence many different aspects of our own lives as well as the lives of others. Due to the interconnected nature of our world, even small decisions or seemingly isolated occurrences can set in motion a chain of events with far-reaching consequences that reverberate outward over time.
This domino phenomenon highlights how one action can catalyze numerous subsequent reactions across various domains. It becomes evident that each choice we make has potential implications that extend far beyond just ourselves or our immediate situation.
/ Create a free accountThe global spread of the Internet has perhaps led to the most fundamental political, cultural, and social transformation in human history.
Unprecedented access to the information of billions of people has led to incredible opportunities and the disclosure of human potential. But to the same extent, it has led to total control of the population by the state, private individuals, and corporations, manipulation of public opinions, and fraud. It will not be superfluous to note that the concentration of all user information from technology companies, to which they have full access, gives them incredible competitive advantages.
Observing and analyzing these trends, in 2009 arose the idea of creating a project exclusively for your own needs.
The project, which would allow communicate and store of information without fear of leaks and access by third parties. However, the massive revelations of recent years made by Julian Assange and Edward Snowden have forced us to revise the ideas focused on our own needs and expand them to a global scale. The project was based on the concept of absolute privacy. The preparations of descriptions, technical tasks, team building, and fundraising began. The project required significant financial resources. In the process of getting investments, we faced unacceptable requirements, which often were against the project paradigm. And only after eight long years, in 2017, we finally had the opportunity to implement this project on our own, independently of anyone else.
We prioritize people over profits. Privacy isn’t just something we talk about - it’s a deeply held core belief and the reason Beeble was created in the first place.
Our end-to-end encrypted email and cloud storage solution provides most powerful means of secure communication, ensuring the safety and privacy of your data.
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