
Ámbito seguro
que garantiza la privacidad digital.

Beeble nació en Letonia en 2018. En 2019 empezó a dar los primeros pasos. En 2022 empezó a correr.

"Corre Beeble, corre."
Tenemos predilección por la acción
Sabemos que la velocidad puede magnificar el impacto,
y nos movemos con rapidez.
Hacemos apuestas audaces
Aceptamos la incertidumbre, superamos los miedos y nos comprometemos plenamente con la realización de las ideas.
Encontramos una manera
Adoptamos un enfoque creativo y persistente para resolver cualquier problema, por grande o complejo que sea.
Vamos juntos
La marea alta levanta todos los barcos: colaboramos y compartimos libremente en toda nuestra comunidad.
nuestra historia

Desde el principio, nuestras acciones reverberan, creando un efecto dominó que se extiende a lo largo y ancho.

Nuestras acciones tienen un efecto dominó, con impactos próximos y distales que pueden influir en muchos aspectos diferentes de nuestras propias vidas y de las vidas de los demás. Debido a la naturaleza interconectada de nuestro mundo, incluso pequeñas decisiones o sucesos aparentemente aislados pueden poner en marcha una cadena de acontecimientos con consecuencias de largo alcance que reverberan en el tiempo.

Este fenómeno de dominó pone de relieve cómo una acción puede catalizar numerosas reacciones posteriores en diversos ámbitos. Resulta evidente que cada decisión que tomamos tiene implicaciones potenciales que van mucho más allá de nosotros mismos o de nuestra situación inmediata.

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"Viam Supervadet Vadens"


La difusión mundial de Internet ha provocado quizá la mayor transformación política, cultural y social de la historia de la humanidad.

El acceso a la información de miles de millones de personas, hasta ahora sin precedentes, ha dado lugar a increíbles oportunidades y a la liberación del potencial humano. Pero en la misma medida ha conducido al control total de la población por parte del Estado, los particulares y las empresas, la manipulación de la opinión pública y el fraude. Cabe señalar que la concentración de toda la información de los usuarios en manos de las empresas tecnológicas, a la que tienen pleno acceso, les da increíbles ventajas competitivas.


Observando y analizando estas tendencias, en 2009 nació la idea de crear un proyecto exclusivamente para nuestras necesidades.

Project, en el que fuera posible comunicarnos y almacenar información sin miedo a las filtraciones y al acceso de terceros. Pero las revelaciones masivas de los últimos años de Julian Assange y Edward Snowden nos obligaron a reconsiderar nuestras propias ideas orientadas a las necesidades propias y a ampliarlas a escala global. La prioridad absoluta en el proyecto se dio al concepto de privacidad absoluta. Comenzaron los preparativos: descripciones, tareas técnicas, creación del equipo y recaudación de fondos. Se necesitaron importantes recursos financieros para llevar a cabo el proyecto. Los intentos de obtener inversiones tropezaban con requisitos inaceptables, que a menudo iban en contra del paradigma del proyecto. Y solo en ocho largos años, en 2017, tuvimos la oportunidad de poner en marcha este proyecto de forma independiente.


“La necesidad de hacer frente a los desafíos que plantea el mundo digital para el derecho a la privacidad nunca ha sido tan acuciante.”

Impulsadas principalmente por el sector privado, las tecnologías digitales que utilizan constantemente datos sobre la vida de las personas están penetrando progresivamente en el tejido social, cultural, económico y político de las sociedades modernas. Las tecnologías que emplean un gran volumen de datos, como los macrodatos y la inteligencia artificial, son cada vez más poderosas y amenazan con crear un entorno digital intrusivo en el que tanto los Estados como las empresas pueden llevar a cabo actividades de vigilancia, análisis y predicción e incluso manipular el comportamiento de la población en una medida sin precedentes. Es innegable que las tecnologías basadas en datos pueden destinarse a usos altamente beneficiosos, pero estos avances tecnológicos plantean riesgos muy importantes para la dignidad humana, la autonomía y la vida privada, así como para el ejercicio de los derechos humanos en general, si no se gestionan con sumo cuidado.
High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Hemos de apuntar, por nuestra parte, que el dominio de los grandes gigantes tecnológicos les permite acumular un poder sin precedentes sobre el mundo digital al recopilar y monetizar la información personal y empresarial de miles de millones de personas. Su control clandestino destruye la esencia misma de la privacidad y crea desafíos sin precedentes para los derechos humanos. Nuestra misión es ofrecer a las personas una alternativa en la que esté incorporado el paradigma de la privacidad absoluta. Donde toda su información es su propiedad, y nadie puede acceder a ella sin su conocimiento y deseo.

Lo que la gente dice de nosotros.

Damos prioridad a las personas sobre los beneficios. La privacidad no es solo algo de lo que hablamos: es una creencia profundamente arraigada y la razón por la que se creó Beeble en primer lugar.

Hot & Save.
Beeble is my go-to email service for both personal and professional communication. The peace of mind that comes with knowing my emails are secure and private is invaluable. Thank you, Beeble, for offering a service that aligns with my commitment to digital privacy
Product of the year!
I have been looking for an email and storage solution and Beeble gave came at the perfect time. And not just an ordinary email and storage solution, but a platform that is very serious about security and privacy! 🛡️💪
Excellent product and team.
Their mission statement and their company story is rock solid in defense of personal privacy. It’s a joy to encounter a company with principles that are not for sale, and it provides great trust in the team behind Beeble.
Amazing Email provider.
I love the clean interface! Very easy to use. I LOVE that I can send fully secured emails to any provider. #Beeble team I wish you the best
Eagerly Awaiting Future Updates.
We prioritize people over profits. Privacy isn’t just something we talk about - it’s a deeply held core belief and the reason Beeble was created in the first place.
Hot & Save.
Beeble is my go-to email service for both personal and professional communication. The peace of mind that comes with knowing my emails are secure and private is invaluable. Thank you, Beeble, for offering a service that aligns with my commitment to digital privacy
Product of the year!
I have been looking for an email and storage solution and Beeble gave came at the perfect time. And not just an ordinary email and storage solution, but a platform that is very serious about security and privacy! 🛡️💪
Excellent product and team.
Their mission statement and their company story is rock solid in defense of personal privacy. It’s a joy to encounter a company with principles that are not for sale, and it provides great trust in the team behind Beeble.
Amazing Email provider.
I love the clean interface! Very easy to use. I LOVE that I can send fully secured emails to any provider. #Beeble team I wish you the best
Eagerly Awaiting Future Updates.
We prioritize people over profits. Privacy isn’t just something we talk about - it’s a deeply held core belief and the reason Beeble was created in the first place.
Unleash Your Digital Potential with Beeble – Fast, Secure, Intuitive! 🚀✨🔒
Beeble has helped me to stay completely secure. Huge potential and interesting ideology behind the project.
Absolutely Excellent. The password-protected emails is the thing I was always looking for.
Beeble has helped me to send fully secured emails to Outlook, Gmail, Proton, Zoho and other providers which is truly fascinating. I highly recommend giving Beeble a shot!
Let’s go #Beeblers!!
As a seasoned entrepreneur always on the lookout for innovative tools, instantly grabbed my attention. The powerful and secure platform is more than just a communication tool. It offers to store your files, discretely share them with others and much more to come. I can’t wait to see their next steps. Go Beeble!
Intuitive and easy to use.
I used to depend on Tuta as my primary inbox, but its outdated interface made it challenging to navigate. After a brief exploration of alternative tools, I stumbled upon this hidden gem, and it has exceeded my expectations. I made an instant switch and am now using it as my new primary inbox.
My experience with Beeble has been nothing short of exceptional.
It has elevated my communication process, empowered all sorts of security, and helped me to store 550 GB of files. If you're a person looking to securely store files and communicate, I highly recommend giving Beeble a try.
Unleash Your Digital Potential with Beeble – Fast, Secure, Intuitive! 🚀✨🔒
Beeble has helped me to stay completely secure. Huge potential and interesting ideology behind the project.
Absolutely Excellent. The password-protected emails is the thing I was always looking for.
Beeble has helped me to send fully secured emails to Outlook, Gmail, Proton, Zoho and other providers which is truly fascinating. I highly recommend giving Beeble a shot!
Let’s go #Beeblers!!
As a seasoned entrepreneur always on the lookout for innovative tools, instantly grabbed my attention. The powerful and secure platform is more than just a communication tool. It offers to store your files, discretely share them with others and much more to come. I can’t wait to see their next steps. Go Beeble!
Intuitive and easy to use.
I used to depend on Tuta as my primary inbox, but its outdated interface made it challenging to navigate. After a brief exploration of alternative tools, I stumbled upon this hidden gem, and it has exceeded my expectations. I made an instant switch and am now using it as my new primary inbox.
My experience with Beeble has been nothing short of exceptional.
It has elevated my communication process, empowered all sorts of security, and helped me to store 550 GB of files. If you're a person looking to securely store files and communicate, I highly recommend giving Beeble a try.
I was skeptical about email security until I discovered Beeble.
As someone who values privacy, Beeble has become my go-to for secure communication. The end-to-end encryption and the ability to send self-destructing emails are like having a personal security guard for my messages. Kudos, Beeble!
Promising Potential with
The ease with which I can upload, organize, and share files is unmatched. Advanced sharing options are on point, allowing me to collaborate only with my colleagues.
Very user friendly.
The interface is not only intuitive, responsive, and visually appealing but also boasts multilingual support for over 10 languages. This thoughtful feature is a particularly welcome touch for those who may find English challenging, catering to a diverse user base and enhancing accessibility for a global audience.
Great solution for
my business.
Beeble has been a game-changer for me and my team, enabling the smooth integration of custom domains and the creation of nearly a hundred aliases. It currently stands as our top choice among providers, and the exciting part is that they're just getting started. Keep an eye out for Beeble – it's on its way to setting new standards!
One of the best on
the market.
For those in pursuit of the ultimate privacy tool adhering to the latest standards, look no further. I initially used the free plan, which exceeded my expectations. However, I chose to support their team and upgraded to the Premium plan for an even enhanced experience.
I was skeptical about email security until I discovered Beeble.
As someone who values privacy, Beeble has become my go-to for secure communication. The end-to-end encryption and the ability to send self-destructing emails are like having a personal security guard for my messages. Kudos, Beeble!
Promising Potential with
The ease with which I can upload, organize, and share files is unmatched. Advanced sharing options are on point, allowing me to collaborate only with my colleagues.
Very user friendly.
The interface is not only intuitive, responsive, and visually appealing but also boasts multilingual support for over 10 languages. This thoughtful feature is a particularly welcome touch for those who may find English challenging, catering to a diverse user base and enhancing accessibility for a global audience.
Great solution for
my business.
Beeble has been a game-changer for me and my team, enabling the smooth integration of custom domains and the creation of nearly a hundred aliases. It currently stands as our top choice among providers, and the exciting part is that they're just getting started. Keep an eye out for Beeble – it's on its way to setting new standards!
One of the best on
the market.
For those in pursuit of the ultimate privacy tool adhering to the latest standards, look no further. I initially used the free plan, which exceeded my expectations. However, I chose to support their team and upgraded to the Premium plan for an even enhanced experience.

Únase a nosotros y conviértase en uno de los miles de usuarios diarios de nuestra plataforma segura.

Nuestra solución de almacenamiento en la nube y correo electrónico cifrado de extremo a extremo proporciona los medios más potentes de comunicación segura, garantizando la seguridad y privacidad de sus datos.

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