
Privāta un droša
digitālā vide.

Beeble ir dzimusi Latvijā 2018. gadā. 2019. gadā sāka spert pirmos soļus. 2022. gadā sāka skriet.

"Skrien, Beeble, skrien."
Mums ir tendence rīkoties
Mēs zinām, ka ātrums var palielināt ietekmi,
tāpēc mēs rīkojamies ātri.
Mēs veicam drosmīgas likmes
Mēs pieņemam nenoteiktību, nekad neļaujam bailēm vadīt lēmumus un pēc saskaņošanas pilnībā īstenojam savas idejas.
Mēs atrodam veidu.
Neviens izaicinājums nav pārāk liels vai biedējošs: mēs esam atjautīgi, neatlaidīgi un radoši, meklējot risinājumus.
Mēs ejam kopā
Pieplūdums paceļ visas laivas: mēs brīvi sadarbojamies un dalāmies savā kopienā.
mūsu stāsts

Jau no paša sākuma mūsu rīcība atbalsojas, radot viļņveida efektu, kas izplatās tālu un plaši.

Mūsu rīcībai ir viļņveidīga ietekme, kas var ietekmēt gan tuvāko, gan tālāko ietekmi, un tā var ietekmēt daudzus dažādus mūsu pašu un citu cilvēku dzīves aspektus. Tā kā mūsu pasaule ir savstarpēji saistīta, pat mazi lēmumi vai šķietami atsevišķi notikumi var izraisīt notikumu ķēdi ar tālejošām sekām, kas laika gaitā atbalsojas uz āru.

Šis domino fenomens parāda, kā viena darbība var katalizēt daudzas turpmākas reakcijas dažādās jomās. Kļūst skaidrs, ka katrai mūsu izvēlei ir potenciālas sekas, kas sniedzas tālu ārpus mūsu pašu vai mūsu tūlītējās situācijas.

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"Viam Supervadet Vadens"


Interneta globālā izplatība, iespējams, ir novedusi pie vērienīgākajām politiskajām, kultūras un sociālajām pārmaiņām cilvēces vēsturē.

Līdz šim bezprecedentā piekļuve miljardiem cilvēku informācijai ir radījusi neticamas iespējas un cilvēka potenciāla atklāšanu. Bet tādā pašā mērā tas ir novedis pie valsts, privātpersonu un korporāciju pilnīgas kontroles pār iedzīvotājiem, manipulācijām ar sabiedrības viedokļiem un krāpšanu. Ir vērts atzīmēt, ka tehnoloģiju uzņēmumiem visas tiem pilnībā pieejamās lietotāju informācijas apkopošana sniedz neticamas konkurences priekšrocības.


Novērojot un analizējot šīs tendences, 2009. gadā radās ideja par projekta izveidi tikai personīgajām vajadzībām.

Projekts, kur būtu iespēja sazināties un uzglabāt informāciju, nebaidoties no informācijas noplūdēm un trešo personu piekļuves. Taču pēdējo gadu vērienīgās atmaskošanas, kuras veikuši Džulians Asanžs un Edvards Snoudens, lika mums pārskatīt idejas, kas vērstas uz mūsu pašu vajadzībām, un izvērst tās globālā mērogā. Kā prioritāte projektā tika izvirzīta absolūta privātuma koncepcija. Sākās aprakstu, darba tehnisko uzdevumu sagatavošanās darbi, komandas veidošana un līdzekļu piesaiste. Projekta realizācijai bija nepieciešami ievērojami finanšu resursi. Mēģinot piesaistīt investorus saskarāmies ar nepieņemamām prasībām, kas bieži vien bija pretrunā ar projekta paradigmu. Un tikai pēc astoņiem ilgiem gadiem, 2017. gadā, mums radās iespēja šo projektu īstenot patstāvīgi, neatkarīgi no citiem.


“Nepieciešamība reaģēt uz izaicinājumiem, ko digitālā pasaule rada saistībā ar tiesībām uz privātumu, kļūst aktuālāka nekā jebkad agrāk.”

Digitālās tehnoloģijas, kuras tiek izstrādātas galvenokārt pateicoties privātajam sektoram un kurās tiek pastāvīgi izmantoti dati, kas saistīti ar cilvēku dzīvi, pakāpeniski iekļūst mūsdienu sabiedrības sociālajā, kultūras, ekonomiskajā un politiskajā struktūrā. Tādu tehnoloģiju kā “lielie dati” un mākslīgais intelekts iespējas, kā arī tajās izmantoto datu apjoms nepārtraukti pieaug, draudot radīt intruzīvu digitālo vidi, kurā gan valstis, gan komercuzņēmumi varēs veikt izsekošanu vēl nepieredzētā mērogā, kā arī analizēt un prognozēt cilvēku uzvedību un pat manipulēt. Lai gan ir grūti noliegt, ka uz datiem balstītas tehnoloģijas var rast noderīgu pielietojumu, ja šīs tehnoloģiskās izmaiņas netiks ļoti piesardzīgi pārvaldītas, tās var kļūt par nopietniem draudiem cilvēka cieņai, patstāvībai, privātumam un cilvēktiesību pastāvēšanai kopumā.
High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Varam piebilst, ka tehnoloģisko milžu dominēšana ļauj tiem uzkrāt nepieredzētu varu pār digitālo pasauli, vācot un monetizējot cilvēku personīgo un biznesa informāciju. Viņu slēptā kontrole iznīcina pašu privātuma būtību un rada nepieredzētus izaicinājumus cilvēktiesībām. Mūsu misija ir sniegt cilvēkiem alternatīvu, kas ietver absolūtu privātuma paradigmu, kur visa jūsu informācija ir jūsu īpašums, un neviens bez jūsu ziņas un vēlēšanās nevar tai piekļūt.

Ko par mums saka cilvēki.

Mēs priekšroku dodam cilvēkiem, nevis peļņai. Privātums nav tikai kaut kas, par ko mēs runājam - tā ir mūsu dziļi iesakņojusies pamatpārliecība un iemesls, kāpēc Beeble tika izveidota.

Hot & Save.
Beeble is my go-to email service for both personal and professional communication. The peace of mind that comes with knowing my emails are secure and private is invaluable. Thank you, Beeble, for offering a service that aligns with my commitment to digital privacy
Product of the year!
I have been looking for an email and storage solution and Beeble gave came at the perfect time. And not just an ordinary email and storage solution, but a platform that is very serious about security and privacy! 🛡️💪
Excellent product and team.
Their mission statement and their company story is rock solid in defense of personal privacy. It’s a joy to encounter a company with principles that are not for sale, and it provides great trust in the team behind Beeble.
Amazing Email provider.
I love the clean interface! Very easy to use. I LOVE that I can send fully secured emails to any provider. #Beeble team I wish you the best
Eagerly Awaiting Future Updates.
We prioritize people over profits. Privacy isn’t just something we talk about - it’s a deeply held core belief and the reason Beeble was created in the first place.
Hot & Save.
Beeble is my go-to email service for both personal and professional communication. The peace of mind that comes with knowing my emails are secure and private is invaluable. Thank you, Beeble, for offering a service that aligns with my commitment to digital privacy
Product of the year!
I have been looking for an email and storage solution and Beeble gave came at the perfect time. And not just an ordinary email and storage solution, but a platform that is very serious about security and privacy! 🛡️💪
Excellent product and team.
Their mission statement and their company story is rock solid in defense of personal privacy. It’s a joy to encounter a company with principles that are not for sale, and it provides great trust in the team behind Beeble.
Amazing Email provider.
I love the clean interface! Very easy to use. I LOVE that I can send fully secured emails to any provider. #Beeble team I wish you the best
Eagerly Awaiting Future Updates.
We prioritize people over profits. Privacy isn’t just something we talk about - it’s a deeply held core belief and the reason Beeble was created in the first place.
Unleash Your Digital Potential with Beeble – Fast, Secure, Intuitive! 🚀✨🔒
Beeble has helped me to stay completely secure. Huge potential and interesting ideology behind the project.
Absolutely Excellent. The password-protected emails is the thing I was always looking for.
Beeble has helped me to send fully secured emails to Outlook, Gmail, Proton, Zoho and other providers which is truly fascinating. I highly recommend giving Beeble a shot!
Let’s go #Beeblers!!
As a seasoned entrepreneur always on the lookout for innovative tools, instantly grabbed my attention. The powerful and secure platform is more than just a communication tool. It offers to store your files, discretely share them with others and much more to come. I can’t wait to see their next steps. Go Beeble!
Intuitive and easy to use.
I used to depend on Tuta as my primary inbox, but its outdated interface made it challenging to navigate. After a brief exploration of alternative tools, I stumbled upon this hidden gem, and it has exceeded my expectations. I made an instant switch and am now using it as my new primary inbox.
My experience with Beeble has been nothing short of exceptional.
It has elevated my communication process, empowered all sorts of security, and helped me to store 550 GB of files. If you're a person looking to securely store files and communicate, I highly recommend giving Beeble a try.
Unleash Your Digital Potential with Beeble – Fast, Secure, Intuitive! 🚀✨🔒
Beeble has helped me to stay completely secure. Huge potential and interesting ideology behind the project.
Absolutely Excellent. The password-protected emails is the thing I was always looking for.
Beeble has helped me to send fully secured emails to Outlook, Gmail, Proton, Zoho and other providers which is truly fascinating. I highly recommend giving Beeble a shot!
Let’s go #Beeblers!!
As a seasoned entrepreneur always on the lookout for innovative tools, instantly grabbed my attention. The powerful and secure platform is more than just a communication tool. It offers to store your files, discretely share them with others and much more to come. I can’t wait to see their next steps. Go Beeble!
Intuitive and easy to use.
I used to depend on Tuta as my primary inbox, but its outdated interface made it challenging to navigate. After a brief exploration of alternative tools, I stumbled upon this hidden gem, and it has exceeded my expectations. I made an instant switch and am now using it as my new primary inbox.
My experience with Beeble has been nothing short of exceptional.
It has elevated my communication process, empowered all sorts of security, and helped me to store 550 GB of files. If you're a person looking to securely store files and communicate, I highly recommend giving Beeble a try.
I was skeptical about email security until I discovered Beeble.
As someone who values privacy, Beeble has become my go-to for secure communication. The end-to-end encryption and the ability to send self-destructing emails are like having a personal security guard for my messages. Kudos, Beeble!
Promising Potential with
The ease with which I can upload, organize, and share files is unmatched. Advanced sharing options are on point, allowing me to collaborate only with my colleagues.
Very user friendly.
The interface is not only intuitive, responsive, and visually appealing but also boasts multilingual support for over 10 languages. This thoughtful feature is a particularly welcome touch for those who may find English challenging, catering to a diverse user base and enhancing accessibility for a global audience.
Great solution for
my business.
Beeble has been a game-changer for me and my team, enabling the smooth integration of custom domains and the creation of nearly a hundred aliases. It currently stands as our top choice among providers, and the exciting part is that they're just getting started. Keep an eye out for Beeble – it's on its way to setting new standards!
One of the best on
the market.
For those in pursuit of the ultimate privacy tool adhering to the latest standards, look no further. I initially used the free plan, which exceeded my expectations. However, I chose to support their team and upgraded to the Premium plan for an even enhanced experience.
I was skeptical about email security until I discovered Beeble.
As someone who values privacy, Beeble has become my go-to for secure communication. The end-to-end encryption and the ability to send self-destructing emails are like having a personal security guard for my messages. Kudos, Beeble!
Promising Potential with
The ease with which I can upload, organize, and share files is unmatched. Advanced sharing options are on point, allowing me to collaborate only with my colleagues.
Very user friendly.
The interface is not only intuitive, responsive, and visually appealing but also boasts multilingual support for over 10 languages. This thoughtful feature is a particularly welcome touch for those who may find English challenging, catering to a diverse user base and enhancing accessibility for a global audience.
Great solution for
my business.
Beeble has been a game-changer for me and my team, enabling the smooth integration of custom domains and the creation of nearly a hundred aliases. It currently stands as our top choice among providers, and the exciting part is that they're just getting started. Keep an eye out for Beeble – it's on its way to setting new standards!
One of the best on
the market.
For those in pursuit of the ultimate privacy tool adhering to the latest standards, look no further. I initially used the free plan, which exceeded my expectations. However, I chose to support their team and upgraded to the Premium plan for an even enhanced experience.

Pievienojieties mums un kļūstiet par vienu no tūkstošiem, kas ikdienā izmanto mūsu nodrošināto platformu.

Mūsu end-to-end šifrētā e-pasta un mākoņglabāšanas risinājums nodrošina visefektīvākos līdzekļus drošai saziņai, nodrošinot jūsu datu drošību un konfidencialitāti.

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