

Beeble 于 2018 年在拉脱维亚诞生。2019 年开始迈出第一步。 2022年,开始跑步。

"运行 Beeble,运行。"


我们的行为会产生连锁反应,产生近端和远端影响,可以影响我们自己以及他人生活的许多不同方面。 由于我们世界的本质是相互关联的,即使是很小的决定或看似孤立的事件也可能引发一系列事件,并随着时间的推移产生深远的影响。

这种多米诺骨牌现象凸显了一个行动如何能够催化各个领域的众多后续反应。 很明显,我们做出的每一个选择都有潜在的影响,其影响远远超出了我们自己或我们当前的处境。

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数十亿人前所未有的信息获取带来了难以置信的机会和人类潜力的释放。 但在同样的程度上,这导致了国家、个人和公司对人口的完全控制,操纵舆论和欺诈。 值得注意的是,技术公司的所有用户信息都集中在他们可以完全访问的地方,这为他们提供了令人难以置信的竞争优势。


观察和分析这些趋势,在2009 年,创建一个项目的想法诞生了,完全满足自己的需求

Project, 其中可以交流和存储信息,而不必担心泄漏和第三方访问。但近年来朱利安·阿桑奇和爱德华·斯诺登的大量揭露迫使我们重新思考我们以自己为中心的想法,并将其扩展到全球范围。 绝对隐私的概念被置于项目的首位。 准备工作开始:描述、技术任务、团队建设和融资。 该项目需要大量财政资源。 试图获得投资遇到了不可接受的要求,这通常与项目范式背道而驰。 只在八年之后,即 2017 年,我们才有机会独立于任何人独立实施该项目。


“数字世界给隐私权带来挑战,应对这一挑战的需要,比以往任何时候都更加 迫切。”

主要由私营部门推动的数字技术不断利用与人们生活相关的数据,不断向 现代社会的社会、文化、经济和政治结构渗透。越来越强大的数据密集型技术, 如大数据和人工智能,有可能创造出一个无孔不入的数字环境,使国家和工商企 业都能够以前所未有的程度监视、分析、预测甚至操纵人们的行为。虽然不可否 认的是,数据驱动的技术可以用于非常有益的用途,但这些技术发展如果不小心 管理,就有可能在总体上对人的尊严、自主和隐私以及行使人权造成极大风险。
High Commissioner for Human Rights.
我们要补充的是,大型科技巨头的主导地位使他们能够通过收集数十亿人的个人和商业信息并将其货币化,在数字世界中积累前所未有的力量。 他们的秘密控制破坏了隐私的本质,并对人权造成了前所未有的挑战。 我们的使命是为人们提供一种选择绝对隐私范式的替代方案。 您的所有信息都是您的财产,没有您的知识和意愿,任何人都无法访问它。


我们优先考虑人员而不是利润。 隐私不仅仅是我们谈论的话题——它是一个根深蒂固的核心信念,也是 Beeble 最初被创建的原因。

Hot & Save.
Beeble is my go-to email service for both personal and professional communication. The peace of mind that comes with knowing my emails are secure and private is invaluable. Thank you, Beeble, for offering a service that aligns with my commitment to digital privacy
Product of the year!
I have been looking for an email and storage solution and Beeble gave came at the perfect time. And not just an ordinary email and storage solution, but a platform that is very serious about security and privacy! 🛡️💪
Excellent product and team.
Their mission statement and their company story is rock solid in defense of personal privacy. It’s a joy to encounter a company with principles that are not for sale, and it provides great trust in the team behind Beeble.
Amazing Email provider.
I love the clean interface! Very easy to use. I LOVE that I can send fully secured emails to any provider. #Beeble team I wish you the best
Eagerly Awaiting Future Updates.
We prioritize people over profits. Privacy isn’t just something we talk about - it’s a deeply held core belief and the reason Beeble was created in the first place.
Hot & Save.
Beeble is my go-to email service for both personal and professional communication. The peace of mind that comes with knowing my emails are secure and private is invaluable. Thank you, Beeble, for offering a service that aligns with my commitment to digital privacy
Product of the year!
I have been looking for an email and storage solution and Beeble gave came at the perfect time. And not just an ordinary email and storage solution, but a platform that is very serious about security and privacy! 🛡️💪
Excellent product and team.
Their mission statement and their company story is rock solid in defense of personal privacy. It’s a joy to encounter a company with principles that are not for sale, and it provides great trust in the team behind Beeble.
Amazing Email provider.
I love the clean interface! Very easy to use. I LOVE that I can send fully secured emails to any provider. #Beeble team I wish you the best
Eagerly Awaiting Future Updates.
We prioritize people over profits. Privacy isn’t just something we talk about - it’s a deeply held core belief and the reason Beeble was created in the first place.
Unleash Your Digital Potential with Beeble – Fast, Secure, Intuitive! 🚀✨🔒
Beeble has helped me to stay completely secure. Huge potential and interesting ideology behind the project.
Absolutely Excellent. The password-protected emails is the thing I was always looking for.
Beeble has helped me to send fully secured emails to Outlook, Gmail, Proton, Zoho and other providers which is truly fascinating. I highly recommend giving Beeble a shot!
Let’s go #Beeblers!!
As a seasoned entrepreneur always on the lookout for innovative tools, instantly grabbed my attention. The powerful and secure platform is more than just a communication tool. It offers to store your files, discretely share them with others and much more to come. I can’t wait to see their next steps. Go Beeble!
Intuitive and easy to use.
I used to depend on Tuta as my primary inbox, but its outdated interface made it challenging to navigate. After a brief exploration of alternative tools, I stumbled upon this hidden gem, and it has exceeded my expectations. I made an instant switch and am now using it as my new primary inbox.
My experience with Beeble has been nothing short of exceptional.
It has elevated my communication process, empowered all sorts of security, and helped me to store 550 GB of files. If you're a person looking to securely store files and communicate, I highly recommend giving Beeble a try.
Unleash Your Digital Potential with Beeble – Fast, Secure, Intuitive! 🚀✨🔒
Beeble has helped me to stay completely secure. Huge potential and interesting ideology behind the project.
Absolutely Excellent. The password-protected emails is the thing I was always looking for.
Beeble has helped me to send fully secured emails to Outlook, Gmail, Proton, Zoho and other providers which is truly fascinating. I highly recommend giving Beeble a shot!
Let’s go #Beeblers!!
As a seasoned entrepreneur always on the lookout for innovative tools, instantly grabbed my attention. The powerful and secure platform is more than just a communication tool. It offers to store your files, discretely share them with others and much more to come. I can’t wait to see their next steps. Go Beeble!
Intuitive and easy to use.
I used to depend on Tuta as my primary inbox, but its outdated interface made it challenging to navigate. After a brief exploration of alternative tools, I stumbled upon this hidden gem, and it has exceeded my expectations. I made an instant switch and am now using it as my new primary inbox.
My experience with Beeble has been nothing short of exceptional.
It has elevated my communication process, empowered all sorts of security, and helped me to store 550 GB of files. If you're a person looking to securely store files and communicate, I highly recommend giving Beeble a try.
I was skeptical about email security until I discovered Beeble.
As someone who values privacy, Beeble has become my go-to for secure communication. The end-to-end encryption and the ability to send self-destructing emails are like having a personal security guard for my messages. Kudos, Beeble!
Promising Potential with
The ease with which I can upload, organize, and share files is unmatched. Advanced sharing options are on point, allowing me to collaborate only with my colleagues.
Very user friendly.
The interface is not only intuitive, responsive, and visually appealing but also boasts multilingual support for over 10 languages. This thoughtful feature is a particularly welcome touch for those who may find English challenging, catering to a diverse user base and enhancing accessibility for a global audience.
Great solution for
my business.
Beeble has been a game-changer for me and my team, enabling the smooth integration of custom domains and the creation of nearly a hundred aliases. It currently stands as our top choice among providers, and the exciting part is that they're just getting started. Keep an eye out for Beeble – it's on its way to setting new standards!
One of the best on
the market.
For those in pursuit of the ultimate privacy tool adhering to the latest standards, look no further. I initially used the free plan, which exceeded my expectations. However, I chose to support their team and upgraded to the Premium plan for an even enhanced experience.
I was skeptical about email security until I discovered Beeble.
As someone who values privacy, Beeble has become my go-to for secure communication. The end-to-end encryption and the ability to send self-destructing emails are like having a personal security guard for my messages. Kudos, Beeble!
Promising Potential with
The ease with which I can upload, organize, and share files is unmatched. Advanced sharing options are on point, allowing me to collaborate only with my colleagues.
Very user friendly.
The interface is not only intuitive, responsive, and visually appealing but also boasts multilingual support for over 10 languages. This thoughtful feature is a particularly welcome touch for those who may find English challenging, catering to a diverse user base and enhancing accessibility for a global audience.
Great solution for
my business.
Beeble has been a game-changer for me and my team, enabling the smooth integration of custom domains and the creation of nearly a hundred aliases. It currently stands as our top choice among providers, and the exciting part is that they're just getting started. Keep an eye out for Beeble – it's on its way to setting new standards!
One of the best on
the market.
For those in pursuit of the ultimate privacy tool adhering to the latest standards, look no further. I initially used the free plan, which exceeded my expectations. However, I chose to support their team and upgraded to the Premium plan for an even enhanced experience.



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